@article {172, title = {Internal quantum efficiencies of AlGaN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy and emitting in the UVA to UVC ranges}, author = {Ngo, T. -H. and Leroux, M. and Vennéguès, P. and Massies, J. and Al Khalfioui, M. and Korytov, M. and Damilano, B. and Matta, S. and Gil, B. and Valvin, P. and Brault, J. and Brandli, V.}, journal = {JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, month = {January}, year = {2019}, volume = {126}, issn = {0021-8979}, doi = {10.1063/1.5115593}, url = {https://metsa.ows.fr/publication/internal-quantum-efficiencies-algan-quantum-dots-grown-molecular-beam-epitaxy-and}, }