@article {179, title = {Compositional accuracy in atom probe tomography analyses performed on III-N light emitting diodes}, author = {Nikolaev, A. E. and Rigutti, L. and Bonef, B. and Di Russo, E. and Da Costa, G. and Sakharov, V, A. and Blum, I and Cherkashin, N. and Blavette, D. and Tsatsulnikov, A. F. and Korytov, M. and Houard, J.}, journal = {JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, month = {January}, year = {2019}, volume = {126}, issn = {0021-8979}, doi = {10.1063/1.5113799}, url = {https://metsa.ows.fr/publication/compositional-accuracy-atom-probe-tomography-analyses-performed-iii-n-light-emitting}, }