@article {239, title = {Thermal behaviour of caesium implanted in UO2: A comparative study with the xenon behaviour}, author = {Panetier, C. and Pipon, Y. and Gaillard, C. and Moncoffre, N. and Wiss, T. and Mangin, D. and Dieste, O. and Marchand, B. and Ducher, R. and Dubourg, R. and Epicier, T. and Raimbault, L.}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, month = {January}, number = {S0022311520311284}, pages = {152520}, year = {2021}, volume = {543}, issn = {0022-3115}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152520}, url = {https://metsa.ows.fr/publication/thermal-behaviour-caesium-implanted-uo2-comparative-study-xenon-behaviour}, }